
2024-05-16 22:17:37

have a happy family. 我有一个幸福的家庭My family include my mom ,dad and me.我家包括我妈,爸 和我。My mom is a bussinesswoman and my dad is a bussinessman too. 我爸爸和妈妈都是商人i like to play computer, learn english , play piano and i like to do anything that about music.我喜欢玩电脑,学习英文,弹钢琴和做一些有关音乐的事情。 i also like to have a walk on the beach in the sunny day.我喜欢在晴朗的天气里去沙滩散步。 my father likes to do outside activies.我爸爸喜欢做户外活动。 he likes to read newspaper at morning and night.他喜欢在早上和晚上看报纸。 he always tell me about something happen in the community. 他经常跟我讨论有关社会上发生的事情。my mom likes to watch tv but she is very busy ..我妈喜欢看电视 但是她却很忙 i always to think about how to help my parents.我经常想怎么去帮助父母。 however they alaways say i need to leran experince and study first.但是他们只是想我先学好经验和学习先